FB278RBT, FB288RBT, FB289RBT Mobile Phone Compatibility
This page supplies information about confirmed connectivity of FB278RBT, FB288RBT, FB289RBT with various brands of mobile telephones.
- The list of phones is not exhaustive and represents only the tested sample. If a phone is not listed, this does not necessarily mean that it will not work.
- The results were obtained through testing under certain conditions at the factory. Actual results may be different when the products are used under different conditions and in different environments.
- The list only reports the results of testing, but does not guarantee connectivity.
- For information on operating the mobile phone, please refer to its documentation.
*1 Cannot use voice dial via the handset
*2 Cannot connect automatically, required manual connection
*3 Cannot transfer call
*4 Cannot return to A2DP after end call
*5 There is no voice dial function in phone
*6 Reject/end call may cause the handset to disconnect
*7 Cannot reconnect from the car kit.
*8 Cannot use the redial function
*9 Cannot reject the calling
*10 Play Bluetooth Audio only in Bluetooth Audio mode, must stop for other modes
*11 Because of the network limitation, cannot display the caller ID.
*12 Cannot use the Voice dial
*13 Cannot return to A2DP after end call
*14 Cannot accept incoming call during Bluetooth Audio at car kit.
Car kit disconnects as soon as the call is answered.
*15 Bluetooth disconnected each time a telephone function was initiated.
*16 Cannot reject incoming call during Bluetooth Audio at handset.
*17 Cannot use seek up/down