Australia [Products Information]

CD/USB/MP3/WMA receiver



Superior iPod® and iPhone® connectivity.

Just connect your iPod or iPhone to the source unit’s USB port to access and play music through the car audio system. Operate iPod using source unit controls, ncluding “ABC Search”, or use control wheel of iPod “Simple Control”.

Pandora® for your drive.

Have fun with the same Pandora® stations you enjoy on your home PC. Give songs a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” — this interactivity means you’ll be listening to more of the songs you want.
Just connect iPhone and open up a new world of radio.

Easy connection to various sources with front USB and AUX.

Front USB with sliding lid lets you easily connect a portable audio device or USB memory, for playback of MP3 and WMA music files. With the AUX input jack, you can hook up to any digital or analog audio device that has a headphone output.

Experience the elements of superb sound.

The MOS-FET power amplifier provides high quality output with minimal power consumption.
What’s more, Beat EQ allows convenient equalisation, Magna Bass EX boosts low frequencies and LPF (Low Pass Filter) outputs signals to better match your speakers.
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